Sunday, May 1, 2011

Tips for when the sun sets on the summer season...

Unfortunately, every summer comes to an end. Personally, I am a huge shopper. Every summer is always put to an end early with the “back to school” sales. It’s annoying to see them at the end of June! They do however catch my eye at the end of August when it is time to get new clothes and stock up the apartment (dorm or locker) with new accessories. So what are some “must haves”?

First, if you are in high-school and have a locker, it is important to have a mirror. That is what everyone will tell you. On the other hand, I suggest a brand new memory card for your digital camera. As cliché as it sounds, high school is the quickest four years of your life. You might as well catch the memories while you can.

Maybe you’re entering your first year of college. Do you have a dorm? Don’t forget a decent alarm clock. Don’t rely on your cell phone alarm clock! You’ll be so busy texting new friends your battery will die very fast. Get an old fashioned plug-in-the-wall alarm clock!

Have a new apartment? Are you an upper-classman now? Make sure you have some good cooking utensils. When you live with roommates, dishes can stock up pretty fast.  It’s good to have non-stick skillet. It makes washing the dishes easier. You’re a college student, not yet a housewife or the husband of a housewife. You’re most likely going to be cooking a lot of skillet meals, ramen noodles, and eggs. Investing in cookware is a good idea.

So, while I haven’t mentioned all of the items you are going to need on your checklist, these are some you may not have thought of. Good luck!

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